Portal diz que Guga treinou na vaga de Esquerdinha; veja o provável time do Fluminense

Portuguese (Brazil): The portal claims that Guga has been training in Esquerdinha’s position; check out the probable starting lineup for Fluminense.

In this updated statement, we have expanded the original content to provide more context and clarity. The sentence now begins by specifying the language (“Portuguese (Brazil)”) and then translates the main idea succinctly while adding additional details. It clarifies that the information comes from a “portal” (a website or online platform), mentions that Guga is training for a position previously held by Esquerdinha, and concludes by inviting readers to look at the likely team formation for Fluminense, a Brazilian football club. This expanded version maintains the essence of the original message while providing a clearer picture for those who may not be familiar with the specific terms used in the original sentence.